
Center Projects



In Mediterranean countries, water use for irrigation accounts for more than 70% of water consumption and an important hydric stress is registered due to increasing population and climate change.


Water losses due to non-efficient irrigation systems, limited reliance on non-conventional waters (NCWs), scarce capacities of institutions to enforce effective water management plans and lack of awareness of modern solutions at farm level, are the most common issues to deal with. PROSIM will face these problems focusing on both water demand and supply for irrigation. PROSIM will bring innovative solutions combining water use efficiency and NCWs and build local capacities to adopt/upscale them; promote cross-border capacity building and elaborate roadmaps and plans for improved water management based on project results; enhance public-private cooperation and promote investments for the adoption/upscale of the proposed solutions.

General objective

To demonstrate new/enhanced, sustainable irrigation solutions that ensure an increased water use efficiency and entail a larger use of non-conventional waters, adapt their technical complexity to local conditions and capacities of target areas and make tailored solutions available to stakeholders at Mediterranean level.


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