
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubator


  Objectives of the Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubator

The Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubator is located in the head office of the National Center for Agricultural Research within the Intellectual Property Protection Unit. The incubator provides an integrated package of technical consultancy and logistical support for new technological innovative projects during its stay, as it benefits from the existing research and development programs in the center. The incubator also helps some scientific bodies, especially government institutions, to attract local and regional investments by marketing and presenting their research and the most important applications developed with a focus on added value. Mechanism of action (MOA) is summarized as follows:


Submitting requests to join the Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubator (Request Form) by entrepreneurs Applications to join the incubator shall be submitted according to the form prepared and attached to the website to the Director of Institutional Development and Knowledge Management, Eng. Ammar /+962772208597 Entrepreneurs are interviewed and asked to provide a presentation and a proposal to achieve the entrepreneurial and creative idea.


A scientific committee composed of researchers headed by the Director General submitted requests and approved or rejected requests transferred from the innovation team and took the appropriate decision on the requests submitted to join the incubator according to the following criteria:

 The proposed project’s contribution to the achievement of the strategic objectives of NARC and the sustainable development goals - 20%

Seriousness and innovation are available in the proposed project - 20%/p>

The proposed project's contribution to the employment of workers and specialists 10%

The possibility of marketing the proposed project's product 10%

The positive impact of the proposed project on the environment, health and safety – 10%

NARC's ability to adopt the proposed project – 10%

The time required to implement the project is in line with the allowed time – 10%

Economic feasibility of the project – 10%


after selecting and accepting applications to join the incubator, the employment agreement is signed.


work reports for incubated projects are approved by the Intellectual Property Protection Unit.

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