
Friends of the Innovation incubator

Juniperus Excelsa Tourist Farm

Project's Owner:Boulos Aouis

Project Address: Jerash

Tel. No.: 0797068373

Juniperus excelsa Farm is a farm consisting of twenty acres. It is located in Jerash Governorate and surrounded by Juniperus Excelsa, oak and maple trees. Those trees in which the Dibeen coniferous forest is  churning out. Its history dated back more than forty years. It begins as a site for the production of Sweileh sand due to the availability of large quantities of silica in its mountains. After the useable raw materials were depleted, they were dredged and reclamated, terraced, and stone chains were created and converted into a vegetable farm.

In 1989, I started to switch to growing almond and olive trees. In 2018, we started working on a program to rehabilitate and renovate Juniperus excelsa Farm in scientific ways, according to the advice of the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC). Juniperus excelsa Farm now includes about 2,000 trees of almond and olives.

Juniperus excelsa Farm is interested in increasing the species of almonds and sustainable agriculture, as well as working to devise ways and means that will rationalize the consumption of water used for irrigation to the lowest level. It also contributes to reducing the use of herbicides. Almond  contains a two-storey house used for tourist activities and to accommodate visitors who wish to rest, relax and enjoy hearing the smooth sounds of Juniperus excelsa trees in the surrounding forest.


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