
Research Centers


Ramtha Agricultural Research Center established in 1988 under the name (Ramtha Regional Center for Agricultural Services), it was one of eight regional centers affiliated with agricultural research at that time. It is located in the north of Jordan, close to the Jordan University of Science and Technology, away in the southern of Ramtha about 10 km.

GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION : 35.97770463318119,32.49295152993364

Ramtha Agricultural Research Center Personnel

Working areas of Ramtha Agricultural Research Center

 IRBID: Irbid Governorate is located at a longitude: of 35.8478965 degrees east, and latitude: of 32.5569636 degrees north. Area: The area of Irbid Governorate is approximately 1,571.8 square kilometers. It's bordered by the north of Syria, to the west by Palestine, to the east by Mafraq Governorate, and the south by the governorates of Balqa, Ajloun, and Jerash. Irbid Governorate includes (9) districts and (18) municipalities.

JERASH: Jerash Governorate located at a longitude of: 35.84 degrees east, and a latitude of 32.58 degrees north. The area of the governorate is (410) square kilometers within the northern Jordanian region. In its western part, the maximum distance between the northernmost point and the southernmost point is about 28 km, and between the westernmost point and the easternmost point is about (31). Jerash governorate includes (Qasabat Jerash District), two districts (Barma District and Mastaba District), and five municipalities.

AJLOUN: Ajloun Governorate is located at longitude: 35.7516844 degrees, and latitude: 32.3325584 degrees. The area of Ajloun Governorate is approximately 419.6 square kilometers in the northwestern corner of the Jordanian capital Amman at (76) km distance.  Ajloun Governorate includes two districts (Qasabat Ajloun and Kafranja District), as well as two districts (Sakhrah and Arjan District), it includes five municipalities (Great Ajloun Municipality, New Kafranja Municipality, Al-Junaid Municipality, Al-Ayoun Municipality, Municipality (Shifa).

3- Projects implemented at Ramtha Agricultural Research Center

Implementing research projects to find scientific solutions based on scientific experiments and realistic results. The center has three research departments:

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