
Success Stories

Dr Muhammad Al Refaie

Dr. Muhammad Khder Abdul Aziz Alrefaie the recipient of the ideal employee of the year 2015

Dr. Muhammad is distinguished in his work and on the personal level on several aspects:

ARROWNARC_enAt the professional and specialist level:

He contributed in a lot of research studies that resulted with introducing alternatives of environment stress tolerant crops (drought and salinity), like triticale, wheat, barley, and beetroot fodder. In addition to the cultivation of wild medical plants. His work in corporation with his team was translated into producing and spreading seeds on farmer that are economically productive. In addition to publishing research results locally and internationally.

ARROWNARC_enHaving knowledge in the work and progress:

He has the qualifiers required to develop and implement work plans. In addition to preparing scientific reports, and local and international speeches. He is also able to coordinate conferences, field days and official visits. Besides setting training programs, he also work as a scientific research auditor for several scientific journals.

ARROWNARC_enPositive gestures:

He is keen to work with team spirit and partnering with peer of researchers inside and outside NARC. He also contributed in transferring knowledge in a transparent way to his colleagues and service recipients. He also make sure to provide field consultations to the farmers, agricultural companies and national associations.   

ARROWNARC_enInitiation and creativity:

He has the ability to communicate locally and internationally through creating a work team and partnerships that led to receiving technologies from outside, like getting support for the establishment of a biofuel production unit from japan. In addition to succeeding in cultivating medical wild plants (St. John ’s wort) internationally for the first time, the result of his research was published, and it received the first award in the field of scientific medical plants between 112 applied research from different countries in a conference that was held in the university of Jordan 

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