
Success Stories

Duaa Abuhamour

Eng. Duaa Ismaeel Ahmad Abu Hamour the recipient of the Ideal Employee of the Year 2023 in its fifteenth

Eng. Researcher Duaa Abu Hamour in the directorate of environment and climate change, is distinguished with a deep understanding of her specialization, and her own technical knowledge and skills. In addition to employing them to finish the job, she also worked with team spirit and she provided several services on several levels:

At the level of knowledge and progress:

She worked with a team on several national studies, most of which is the agricultural map, which is considered a huge national accomplishment that was announced through the prime minister, and prized by His Majesty King Abdullah II. She also contributed to improving the digital platform for controlling certificates of origin for wheat and barley, which in turn ensures that the government support reaches the intended recipient without any manipulation, which results in saving money, time, and effort, in light of the shortage of staff, truth commission and financial allocation  (fuel). After the Dead Sea tragedy, she participated in a national study to detect the flood hotspots, the hotspots were intended to be turned to be promising spots as a strategic plan, and she worked with a team to draw the green water harvest map.

She also participated in producing one of a kind specialized agricultural atlas, to assess the impact of climate change on the lands in Jordan and its suitability for different uses, and suggest the best uses of the lands.

At the level of dealing with others:

She is distinguished with full tact positive impression and good treatment with others, she left a good impression on the service recipients. To meet the needs of farmers, researchers, engineers, and those who are interested in getting scientific information electronically; she worked with a team to establish a national interactive platform on NARC’s website (, including the flash flood maps that indicate the locations, and the possibility of flash flood happening. In addition to agricultural maps, maps of crops' water needs according to the geographical distributions, in addition to the water harvest maps that introduce practical and scientific solutions needed for water shortage, and raising the benefit of the green water harvest to enhance the ecosystem and rangelands, besides crop cultivation and fodder, the water dams and water excavation techniques, which enhance the water and food security, and reduce the flash flood.

She also participates in launching a guidance app (NARC- with the framer) that provides advice and agricultural guidance to the reviewers, in addition to providing information, maps, and technical support, besides answering the questions through (phone calls, emails, or WhatsApp) immediately which serves a huge number of the researches, engineers, farmers, and university students with what meet their needs and expectations. 

At the level of creativity and innovation:

She participated in giving creative ideas that contributed to developing the work on the personal and institutional levels, through teamwork. One of the most creative ideas was the agricultural map, it intended to study and indicate the land use, assess the plant water needs, and its ability to adapt to climate change conditions. The agricultural map was the latest paradigm shift in the issue of food security, through providing detailed information about the Arable treasury lands. In addition to focusing on the diversification of choices between agricultural crops. And the deficit crops that Jordan depends heavily on imports, in order to reduce the import bill, and the crops with high added value, in addition to exported crops to reduce the marketing bottlenecks. Because on the agricultural map, the minister of agriculture allocated 36 dunams for investment. The wheat and barley platform helped with counting the actual cultivated land. This platform also served the cereal sector in many ways such as preventing providing fake certificates, in addition to reducing cost, effort, and time in the issuance of this certificate. Besides the agricultural atlas is the cornerstone for planning land use and agricultural areas, which was handed to decision makers to be adapted and implemented by farmers.

At the level of self-improvement:

Eng. Duaa sought to develop her knowledge and experience by enrolling in a master's program with an A, and the first in her class. She also participated in a lot of courses that worked on building her ability. She also has a lot of experience in the field of GIS, remote sensing, and modeling, she also participated in publishing many scientific papers in refereed journals.

The positive gestures:

She has the capability to take full responsibility for her work, she also makes extraordinary efforts in a record time to complete all the required work. And she received letters of thanks for that. She has never been hand delays. In addition to this, she was commissioned by NARC as a liaison officer with the National Center for Security and Crisis Management for flash floods, and as liaison officer on the Kingdom level for the water harvest map. She participated in several community service initiatives, and several ongoing workshops on water harvesting, and she contributed to succeeding several voluntary initiatives and campaigns to care for orphans.

She always makes sure to transfer knowledge to her work colleagues, and the evidence of this is the training program for the guiders in the agriculture directorates for all of the governorates of the Kingdom, in addition to training university students, engineers, and researchers. She has an excellent relationship with most of her colleagues in and out of work, and this is evident through her participation in their social events, her collaboration with colleagues in other directorates and organizational units, and the completion of several tasks in their research projects, and she has gained appreciation from many colleagues for the efforts she made.

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