
Abu Hamour sponsors the Palm Scientific Day activities

  On behalf of the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Khalid Abu Hammour, Director General of the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), sponsored the Palm Date Scientific Day organized by NARC in collaboration with the Jordanian Date Association. The event was graced by Eng. Anwar Haddad, President of the Jordanian Date Association, His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Al-Duwairi, His Excellency Dr. Rida Al-Khawaldeh, and numerous distinguished researchers, academics from universities, representatives from the private sector, government officials, and farmers.

Dr. Abu Hammour underscored the importance of date palms, which rank as the third most significant fruit tree in Jordan after olives and citrus. There has been a notable expansion in date palm cultivation, with the area under cultivation increasing from approximately 16,000 dunums in 2009 to 43,000 dunums in 2022. Correspondingly, the number of date trees has surged from 264,407 to 700,000 within this period. Approximately 75% of these trees are of the Medjool variety, with Jordan contributing 14% to the global Medjool production, renowned for its unique flavor. Additionally, 15% are of the Barhi variety, with the remaining 10% comprising other varieties such as Ahmar Talal, Deglet Nour, Khallas, Hayani, Zahidi, Khadrawi, Zaghloul, Maktoomi, Halawi, and Lulu. The Jordan Valley’’s optimal climate and environmental conditions enable Jordanian farmers to cultivate high-quality Medjool dates that are in demand internationally.

Dr. Abu Hammour emphasized that agriculture is a cornerstone of comprehensive sustainable development, encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. In alignment with the economic modernization of all sectors and the pillars of construction and development outlined in the national plan for sustainable agriculture, launched under the auspices of His Majesty the King and directly implemented by the government, NARC is committed to advancing the agricultural sector, including the pioneering date sector, which has become a hallmark of the national economy. The center is dedicated to ongoing specialized scientific research to enhance production quality and address pest challenges.

He remarked that the current flourishing state of the date sector is a testament to the royal directives and continuous oversight by His Majesty King Abdullah II, along with the efforts of farmers and pioneers who embraced the risks of entrepreneurship and invested in this field. Presently, Jordan proudly produces 14% of the world’’s Medjool dates, with over 50% of this variety’’s production exported, marking Jordanian Medjool dates as a distinctive and sought-after product in the global market.

Eng. Anwar Haddad, President of the Jordanian Date Association, commended the National Agricultural Research Center’’s pioneering role in advancing the palm sector in Jordan through enhanced scientific research and the application of its findings to serve the agricultural sector and achieve sustainable development. Haddad also highlighted the center’’s innovative efforts in early detection of the red palm weevil through the Agricultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubator, which aims to transform ideas into pioneering projects, significantly contributing to the agricultural sector’’s development.

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